
Sitemaps are an casual way for webmasters to bring up to date the Search Engines active all the pages on their websites that are free for compartmentalization or creeping. These are vitally the tree house of the website showing the hierarchy of the pages and the understandable house of website edifice and navigation. Usually Search Engine crawlers come across a new folio from the golf links inside the piece of ground and from another sites. Creation of sitemaps helps in providing this information to the crawlers.

Sitemaps can be of two types: hypertext mark-up language and xml. Html sitemaps are trouble-free html files containing golf course to the not public pages of the website.

Another outstandingly central caste of sitemaps is xml sitemap. In the simplest form, an xml Sitemap is an XML database that lists URLs for a land site along with optional data roughly each URL. These data are the second updated or modified date, the transmutation frequency, value of idiosyncratic pages, relative to other URLs of the locality etc. These are the extramural records for the Search Engine crawlers.

The Sitemap protocol formatting consists of XML tags. The database essential be UTF-8 encoded and aggregation belief in the Sitemaps should be entity at large. The xml Sitemap must:

* Begin near an pipe [urlset] tag and end with a concluding [/urlset] tag.

* The namespace (protocol stock) should be fixed inside the [urlset] tag.

* A [url] entry essential be built-in for respectively URL, as a parent XML tag.

* A [loc] child opening must be built-in for all [url] genitor tag.

All another tags like [lastmod], [changefreq] etc. are nonobligatory and mast for these open tags may change among Search Engines.

Another intensely defining characteristic to be remembered is that all URLs in a Sitemap essential be from a singular host, such as .

A illustration xml sitemap

?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?

urlset xmlns=





loc /loc

lastmod 2005-01-01 /lastmod

chagefreq time unit /changefreq

priority 0.8 /priority



Location of a Sitemap file

The location of a Sitemap record determines the set of URLs that can be integrated in that Sitemap. An xml Sitemap located at www . representative . com/dir1/sitemap.xml can take in any URLs starting beside www . model . com/dir1/ but not the ones which list URLs starting beside www . pattern . com/dir2/.

So, the Sitemap should e'er be placed lower than the bottom key to regard all the pages of the website.

Informing the Search Engines

After creating the Sitemap and settled it on the webserver, the Search Engines that investment this rule must be educated of its situation. This can be finished by:

* submitting it to the query engine via their substance interface

* specifying the entity in the robots.txt file

* sending an HTTP request

The hunting engines can next get the Sitemap and form the URLs accessible to their crawlers.

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