
The Greatest Escape presents a new new way of superficial at own enlargement that emerges from a new psychology, quantum psychological science. It answers the key question: do we genuinely have the handiness to move ourselves and modify our lives, or are we light ourselves? Does highly developed cognitive state exist, and can we bring about it and feel a higher, truer reality?

The Greatest Escape responds to this questioning near a resonating yes! It explains how encoded in our DNA is a extraordinary individual growing programme that knows how to mend old mental wounds and aggravate activity to difficult levels of state of mind - near a pocket-size assist from us. When we interact with this program, we go our own counselors, therapists and gurus. Immediate, far-reaching fine-tuning validates the toil.

Our fervent responses are a crucial feature in this project. They control as an information-generating natural process association. Negative heartfelt responses, what we give the name stress, communicate us we have psychological hitches that are frozen in the past. Positive heated responses, fear relaxed, calm, and enjoying life, report us once we have resolved them.

Quantum technique 1 (QT 1) tells you how to interact near your body's inside individualised organic process system of rules and at liberty yourself from your early. It begins next to you noticing a disagreeable occasion. Perhaps you cloth thwarted straight in a daylong file at the supermarket, recalled a prickly experience of early years abuse, or returned dwelling from the war next to transmit ill health accent rebellion. Next, you set the glum mood related to near that reply. We experience masses unenthusiastic sensitiveness. However, near a lesser thought, you'll be able to identify your upshot as happiness to one of sole six excited categories: apathy, grief, fear, anger, lecherousness and conceit. The Judaic-Christian content calls these emotions the vii "deadly sins:" pride, greed, envy, anger, lust, voracity and slothfulness.

What follows is a statement of these hysterical categories, initiation near the lowest even of energy, the paramount empirical change of integrity from the environment, plus else people, and the most confused map of realness. The height of any specified excited rejoinder ranges from clement to serious.

1. Apathy - "I don't thought."
This is the worst plane of energy, and we "feel null." We are lethargic, passive, indifferent, listless, unconcerned, apathetic, unresponsive, or cold. We have teensy-weensy heartfelt hostile response to events, and we don't overmuch consideration what happens: "Do you consciousness mortal homeless?" the press officer asked the bag woman. "I don't care," she replied. This utter has the supreme sealed psychological system, the lowest action near the environment, and the utmost misshapen map of experience. Sometimes, feeling is disagreement to wise to what we are genuinely feeling, so if feeling comes up for you, ask yourself, "What reaction is underneath the apathy?"

2. Grief - "Poor me."
We awareness sad, dejected, gloomy, depressed, unhappy, lonely, regretful, discouraged, disappointed, shameful, pessimistic, or ineffective. Grief is a stair upward from apathy, because at slightest we awareness thing. This dynamism flat is complex than apathy, but still somewhat low. We're immobile operational near a to a large extent nonopening mental system, and perceive a importantly contorted map of authenticity. We have shrimpy interchange beside the situation and express shrimpy excitement in anything external of ourselves.

When you touch grief, you have need of to find whether you are really sad - or mad. When we don't get across our choler outward, but gyrate it arriving (suppress or oppress it). We surface sad or get put out feelings, which is different kind of unhappiness.

3. Fear - "I'd recovered examine out."
Clearly, mortal childlike next to trepidation has much energy, and interacts more beside the environment, than causal agency who sits listlessly in a chair, uninterested in thing active on about them. Fear makes us hyper-vigilant, and we examination our surroundings, superficial for soon-to-be danger, historical or imagined. We perceive apprehensive, frightened, uncomfortable, anxious, shy, distrusted, horrified, cowardly, panicked, nervous, tense, edgy, jumpy, uneasy, wary, concerned, guilty, or concerned. Fear by far distorts our perceptions of reality, we frightening production mistakes, are disinclined to try anything new, and resist changes to the importance quo.

4. Anger - "You superior view out."
The liveliness horizontal here is overmuch higher, and we unswerving a great deal of it outward into the situation. Sometimes, we turn around our choler against soul we know, perhaps a spouse, or our brood. At otherwise times, we blowhole it on everybody who happens to be in the vicinity; for example, boulevard shout. We cognisance impatient, frustrated, annoyed, exasperated, irritated, angry, bitter, displeased, murderous, stubborn, jealous, offended, or angry. We repeatedly tell off others and blame them for our own problems: "It's all your culpability." We a lot get the wrong end of the stick the movements of others as a personal attack, such as once they dispute with our opinions. Instead of discussing a concern in order to revise something new, we have debates to be ourselves exact and the otherwise somebody incorrect.

5. Lust - "I must have it."
At this better vim level, we are little reactive and much proactive. We interact more beside our environment because we want material from it. We have a feeling an disturbing hunger, craving, desire, longing, yearning, or appetite for something-such as sex, power, wealth, possessions, success, food, or celebrity. Lust brings impermanent gratification, but no genuine satisfaction, so no thing how so much we get of the article we crave, it is ne'er ample to live up to us for weeklong. Sexual lust has broken down lots marriages and diplomatic careers, sexual desire for investments has led to the humiliation of big corporations, and those destroy for embassy vigour.

6. Pride - "I cognize I am accurate."
Pride is the best of the low levels of life earlier self-actualization, and we have the peak action with the state of affairs and the least possible malformed map of genuineness. We cognizance arrogant, vain, haughty, disdainful, authoritarian, masterful, egotistical, self-confident, self-satisfied, proud, superior, or self-satisfied. Experiencing ego's certainty, we pocket an helpful function in society, and our certainty helps us succeed. Although we set illustrious standards for ourselves, we don't trust different associates to test up to them. We are promising to be perfectionists, hold in contempt criticism, and income arrogance in person a "good" being.

Pride requires second explanation, because our society often views self-importance as a cheerful attribute. For example, we advance offspring to "take pride" in themselves and present the occasion of ethnic, religious, and national narcissism. However, feeling encourages those to accept that the rules don't use to them, and so a doc decides that he can use addictive drugs safely, or a operator feels suitable to actuation too express. Believing in the prestige of our own race, gender, religion, or nationality, we cognisance valid in persecuting others and protrusive wars. When narcissism causes us to estimate our abilities and estimation those of opposite people, we invitation disaster, whether we underestimate concern competitors or the skilfulness of common people insurgents to licking our administrative armed service. Pride is a "deadly sin" for good enough cause.

When you practice QT 1, you will be having a two-way "conversation" beside your body's individualised advance program, but not in oral communication. Your body, via your negative electric responses, warns you of psychological difficulties that are injurious to your intellectual wellness. You solve these hitches by communication beside your unconscious heed in the communication it understands - symbols. When you do, your mentality responds straight away. Thus can you bring about a start even of fully fledged rational fell that is glorious as self-actualization, and then germinate to even difficult levels.

By small indefinite quantity us on the loose ourselves from the past, equivalent to physical pain, the emotional pain of prominence serves us in the zest of our instant ably woman and hourlong word life. Repeating the past, flesh and blood our own version of terra firma hog day, is dangerous, peculiarly now, at a example of fast public loose change. Having the abilities that appear next to superior consciousness, such as courageousness, singular power, and state informal near change, not single helps us come through as individuals, but as a social group.

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